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2017 Annual Report

2017 Financial Statement

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2017 Annual Summary Report

Highlights of the year:

The man living in an Alzheimer’s community. He’s a Julliard-trained singer and pianist, but can no longer bring the words from his brain to his mouth. He danced with Keri during the performance. Afterwards, with a huge smile on his face, he shouted, “Jalapeño! Jalapeño!” That has to be one of the nicest compliments we’ve ever received.

Being on the faculty of the Presbyterian Association of Musicians conference at Mo-Ranch in Texas. The workshop participants presented a couple of dances during the closing concert, and so many people said it enriched their experience at the conference.

Teaching children at a preschool about things that are in the air (birds, airplanes, hot air balloons, kites!) and at another preschool about things that are opposite (what DO you do when one person wants to do one thing and another person wants to do another? You shake your brains & figure it out!)

We participated in the interfaith service to celebrate World Food Day and the Ecumenical service to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation

We participated in the interfaith service to celebrate World Food Day and the Ecumenical service to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation

We performed a special patriotic concert at the Veteran’s Home in El Paso –on Veteran’s Day!

Ministry is done one-on-one. It’s the “ah-ha” spark in someone’s eye. It’s the smile on one person’s face.

Ministry can also be found in numbers:

205 Performances in 14 States

7,009 people served

50% of our cash income came from donations – your donations, an increase of 36%

Over $37,500 worth of time and in-kind donations were received – your time and your donations of housing and meals. Money we didn’t have to spend because of your generosity.

We can’t see our effect on every person we meet. But we know we can’t do it without you.

Thank you!

2017 Financial Statement

Site last updated 4/17/18